Is the above usage of SET command right? And I also would like to know if using /POST26 instead of /POST1 will be helpful in this situation.īelow are some images for model, analysis settings and solution information data for reference. !!! To retrieve nodal displacement of the substep n-3 !!! To retrieve nodal displacement of the substep n-2 !!! To retrieve nodal displacement of the substep n-1 *Get,time_step,active,0,solu,dtime ! get time step size *GET,timeident,active,0,set,time ! get solution time *GET,cut_deformation,node,226,U,Y ! get node displacement - Calling and storing the nodal displacement of the current substep The solver is going back to load step 1 and starting the solution again. However, with these set of commands, the first load step is being solved properly, but for the calculation of the subsequent load steps are not happening. Below are the following commands I have used to call and store the nodal displacement of the previous substeps. And for the subsequent application of force from substep number 4, I have to use the solved nodal displacements of those previous 3 substeps. Now, the issue I have here is that, I have a condition where a constant load is applied for the first 3 substeps of the simulation and I am plotting the nodal displacements at the named -selection 'cutting point' as my solution results. Total number of substeps for each load steps = 10.My current transient simulation setting are as follows:

I am working on a transient cutting simulation of a tooltip of a where the cutting force is input as a function using APDL command block.